Why my girlfriend likes Mario! Let's face it, Mario is probably the gateway game for most of the guys in my generation. This time around he finally shined his appeal to my girlfriend. The first thing my she liked was the approachable bright graphics. She thought the opening cinematic was cute at the beginning. The Wii isn't pushing the benchmark when it comes to graphics. But one thing Team Mario has that can't be denyed is style. This style can be called childish but I think the word approchable is a better adjective to describe it. I think the average girlfriend would probably walk away from a guy playing a game like God of War, but if they see Mario they may stick around for a while.
Watching my girlfriend play Mario for the first time was quite cute. To me it was like watching a baby learn how to walk. She really didn't have a grasp yet on her limits as Lugi. (Yeah that's right when you play in my house I am Mario.) She would run in spurts and she would always over jump enemies and power ups. After a few quick tips she was able to keep up with me while we ran around the Mushroom Kingdom. The game was very, dare I say, approchable for her, though she made mistakes and lost a few lives. The game wasn't unforgiven and it allowed her to keep up with a Mario Bros. vet like myself. She really liked the new propeller mushroom , with this power up if she fell into a hole she could save her self with a shake of the Wii-mote.
The one thing my girlfriend really liked was the co-op gameplay. She told me she originally wasn't excited to play the game because she thought, like in past Mario Bros. games, we would have to take turns. I can totally understand this feeling, unless the game has a deep story watching another person play a video game is quite boring. If there was no co-op gameplay I believe she would have made me turn off the game after the first time she lost a life. After we finished playing she confessed that she liked how during the game I was always helpful. I gave her my Yoshi when she lost hers. Awww...
What she didn't like! This is the only case where I think that the Wii-mote doesn't work well within a game that Nintendo made. Picking up and anything, other than a turtle-shell, while holding the Wii-mote in classic style just doesn't feel natural. It was rather awkward for her and even for me. My natural instinct was to just run up to an object, like in past games, and expect Mario to automatically pick it up like he used to. On Nintendo's defense I think using the past mechanic would have made the co-op gameplay annoying. You can pick up your own teammates. So, if you're constanly unintentionally picking them up, then I can see how this can quickly become annoying.
Probably the biggest fault in the game is unintentionally jumping of Yoshi. With just the lightest jerk of the Wii-mote Mario and gang would abandon their friendly dino-pal. She disliked this the most because she liked how Yoshi increased her hit points. She was never happy when she lost her little green dino friend.
All-in-All: This game is another brilliant addition to the Wii catalog. If your significant other isn't into video games try coaxing them with the New Super Mario Bros. Wii. This is by no means the only reason to buy the game. If you played any Mario game in the past, this game was likely made for you. I recommend calling three other friends and just watch the chaos unfold. Like all Mario games this game lacks a story, but when it's this fun to jump on turtles, why wouldn't you want to save the princess again?
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ReplyDeleteAh. Mario. The gateway to gaming for girlfriends. My girlfriend was just the same. She did not have any interest in games, but gave Mario a try on my DS and fell in love with it. Even though it was hard she could not stop playing. The good ol' plumber knows how to please the ladies. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhen I get the funds up, I do want this to be my first Wii game. I showed my girlfriend a video for this and she was upset that it she needed a Wii to play it. Now I have a reason to buy another gaming system when funds allow me to!
I've seen the opening video and gameplay of the game, and I was impressed with the graphics and keeping with the traditional Super Mario gameplay. I do want to buy it someday, but again, that cheap gamer in me comes out and I just can't spend $50 for Mario. Love the games, but I'll have to buy this one used. The wife might play it with me, but doubtful since we have a baby that demands so much of our time now.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to get her to play Borderlands with me when he's sleeping, but it's not happening it seems. (BTW, I'm stuck on the final boss of Borderlands. Seriously, one hit and you die? BS...)
This is a must buy when you finally get some down time. I can understand your gaming budget.