First, SO glad Gaicha got this up and running. All of us gamers always want a place to discuss, and it's definitely more fun with people you know. I look forward to growing and getting to know more in this community!
I've been a gamer since I was old enough to hold an Atari Joystick. My dad was the original gamer, and was a master on the Atari of games like Pacman, Adventure, Yar's Revenge, and Space Invaders. In 1986, I got a Nintendo for Christmas, and the beast was released. I have played or owned nearly every major system since, and love the escape that games offer. Interactive media is always superior to movies or reading, if the energy is high enough to be interactive, IMO.
I have a baby boy to care for now, so he definitely eats into my former gaming time, but I still find plenty of time to game.
As far as game genre's preferred, I have always been a fan of RPG first and foremost. Story is critical to me, seconded by graphics and gameplay. I want to feel like I'm developing my character in the world that's been created, and nowadays, I want the leisure to explore that world. Favorite RPG's are quickly becoming the Western RPG's, like (TES IV:) Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dragon Age: Origins, and Mass Effect. But I have played all Final Fantasy games, and while I was not terribly into some of them, I am looking forward to the next-gen version of FFXIII.
That said, I do play a variety of Genre's, but only if they are great games. Tactical, turn-based games always suck me in, like King's Bounty, the old Panzer General games, Civilization, Military Madness, etc. Those are some of my favorite in this genre.
I don't tend to play shooters very often, but then I buy them and get sucked in. Right now, Borderlands is consuming me, and I'll probably post about that game first. I've enjoyed Halo back in the day, and the Call of Duty series were fun, though I will admit I haven't played those on the next-gen, yet. Last CoD I played was 3.
The last genre I really look for are adventure games. Like my fellow posters, Tales of Monkey Island is high on that list. I've also enjoyed the puzze adventure games like Myst, Syberia, and other point-and-click adventures. I hate that those are dying out, because I REALLY enjoy that kind of exploration.
I currently game on PS3 and PC. Looking forward to this!
If you still have a Wii I highly recommend Zack and Wiki to fill in your need for an adveture game. It's a lot like Kings Quest and Monkey Island, but Capcom intergrated Wii mechanics into it. It's a critically acclaimed game but the marketing machine behind it was weak so it never made it to the mainstream.