Friday, April 16, 2010


So I figured I try renting games for once. I made an account last Saturday and got Uncharted 2 on Wednesday. For some reason I just got a loading screen. I updated my PS3, downloaded and installed the UC2 update...and it still doesn't play. Might just have to return it to Gamefly and claim it defective. Not sure what to think of this service. :/ I want it to work out. Even if I just get two games a month I'll get a lot of gaming for just $12.

I hope the other games work for I can give a more fair review of the service. The next game on my log is Heavy Rain, so hopefully that will work.


  1. That blows dude! Hopefully, it'll work out for you. It sucks you missed out on the chance to play such an awesome game.

  2. I still haven't gotten Uncharted 2. Maybe it's time, but then again, I'm now a total wowhead. I was seriously considering Gamefly prior to WoW, because I needed to spend less money on my addiction :P WoW has solved that problem for me.
