Most games today have a very typical main character. There's this ruggedly handsome dude or super hot chick that is out to save the world. The character starts from nothing gains tools and weapons to further their journey to save the world. Then enters Kratos probably the baddest BAMF, bad ass mother fucker, in video games. Kratos isn't out there to save the world, he is out for some heads. Kratos has little heart left in him, by standers should pray that they don't cross paths with him. He doesn't even blink when he slaughters the innocent.
Why God of War III is fun!
If it's broken don't fix it: Outside of Ninja Gaiden and DMC, Devil May Cry, GoW has some the best controls in the action/slasher genre. The gameplay works really well in GoW so, I was kind of happy to see that much hasn't changed. A few good tweaks are switching between the weapons mid-combo is a lot smoother. Kratos can stop almost all of his combos mid-way to block.
Visually Awesome: I don't care that when there are multi-platform versions out on games that the PS3 doesn't look as good. The reason for this is because I know that the developers didn't put in the necessary time to make use of the PS3. Compare GoW III and Uncharted 2 to any game on the 360 and nothing can really compare. However, if you compare Uncharted 2 to GoW III they're pretty much equal in quality. Just for the record I think Uncharted 2 looks better but that's because I like a brighter visual styles. Some of the best scenes in the game are the boss battles and the epic ways Kratos kills them. One other impressive note of the game is the visual scale. Fighting enemies on top of a titan not only sounds good on paper but turned out really well in the end.
Heads will Light the Way: If all out violence is your cup of tea then look no further than GoW III. It's really brutal and sometimes hard to watch as Kratos pulls out eyes and cuts people and things in half.
Story: GoW I probably had the best story and the most relate able Kratos out of the whole trilogy. Towards the end it was disappoint to see how Santa Monica Studios tried to humanize the slayer of gods.
Two Control Flaws: I've died too many times to count where i had to double jump over a pit and use Icarus' wings. Double jumping sucks in this game. Last minor flaw is the magic in the game. I thought it was better when the weapons weren't connected to the magic. I might be the only one though.
Camera: I had more bad angle from the camera kills than from double jumping to my death. Sometimes they were a combo kill though.
Length: Too short!
All in All:
GoW III I felt ended this trilogy quite well. Some may not agree but I liked the ending. My nitpicks are so small that they're more like warnings before playing the game than anything. I do wish it was a lot longer though. If not a fan of the series it's still worth a rental.
When does a man become greater than a god? When that man's thirst for revenge is unquenchable.
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