Why this game is awesome!
Graphics: This game just looks absolutely wonderful on my PC. Sometimes I get so distracted with eye candy that I die. Outside of Crysis this is one of the better looking games on my computer. On top of that it runs at constant 60 fps even in 1080p. Even if there's a massive amount of enemies on the battle field it feels like the game's frame rate doesn't dip.
Controls: I played it on computer. I really don't have to say much more than that. Mouse and keyboard for the win. There are some really cool parts in the game. For example, when you blow open a door in a hostage situation, for that short moment you go into slow motion and it's really cool to take out the kidnappers in that short moment. (I'm telling you guys, I'm a sucker for the slow mo.)
Variety: I like the variety of gadgets and weapons you can use in the game.
Structure: The game is as linear as Uncharted 2. I loved that game so I have no problem with this linear story here either.
Multiplayer: With friends this games multi-player can be quite addictive. I like the leveling up system and the handicap system it gives to noobs like me.
Where it lack in awesome. : (
Story: MW2 has a story but I feel like it's sold short. It's a really imaginative way to tell a story through multiple soldiers. However, I feel no real connection between any of the characters I control. I don't sense any character development at all.
AI: The AI is as dumb as rocks. At least my allies like to stare at me while I'm being gunned down by a huge squad of enemies. It's really upsetting to see them do this to me time and time again. I tend to survive longer if I get away from those bastards. When I'm with them I think to myself they got my back but I couldn't be more wrong.
They all look the same: Honestly, all the terrorist look the same. It's like they were cloned or they all shop at Terrorist R Us. The uniformed soldiers I can understand. But that's ridiculous.
Multiplayer: They tried to balance the game with the handicap. I really like the handicap but it still doesn't help. I still get my ass handed to me online. I guess this isn't much of the games fault but my own for not purchasing it on day one. But for noobies like me I think I'll quickly get bored of having my ass handed to me.
Last complaint: This one is really small and might not bother others but I hate how slow the transition is from aiming down your gun from aiming from the hip. I've died plenty of times from just switching between the two views. It's way too slow for a fast paced shooter.
( Played PC version 5 hours into the campaign. Played 3 hours of Multiplayer. Still haven't tried Black OPS.)
MW2 is an awesome shooter experience, but it's just too damn short, entertaining but short. I completed it in one sitting, I think it was about 8 hours. The gfx are pretty but I found the lack of interactivity with the environment disappointing. I haven't played it online so I can't comment but I do know MW2 has a very strong online community. From what I've seen of gameplay videos, the arcade'esque shooting just doesn't appeal to me. It seems like counter strike on roids with rewards. (Which is probably why it's so popular lol) But again I shouldn't comment on something I haven't actually played online. :( I hear the co-op play is great fun though, but then when is it not fun running around with a friend blowing shit up?! I would like to try out the Big Brother level if I ever purchase this game, maybe when it drops down in price.
ReplyDeleteI'm exactly like Gaicha. I played CoD2 and 3, and that was the end of that. I never got World at War, or Modern Warfare. Mainly because even though I always like the CoD games, I was not an online gamer (by choice), so since the focus was all Deathmatch and CTF, I saw no reason to invest.
ReplyDeleteThen this year, I got Borderlands and began to play co-op with many of you. Changed my life. Literally. Now, if I can't play the game online with friends, it goes to the back of my 'wanted' list. Not that I'm not still interested in my single-player games, in the least. I'm still an RPG nut. But if time permits, I want to play online with friends.
I finished the MW2 story mode yesterday, and I felt like they did something really unique throughout that game. A little excessive in the plot twists, and they could have been so much better with cutscenes or playable cutscenes. But really, they are pushing the envelope in developing characters that you care about in an FPS. They now need to learn from Naughty Dog about how to TELL said story. It was very easy to get lost.
Graphically; Amazing. Blows my mind the kind of frame rate it achieves on my machine that is upper middle end.
I've played some SpecOps with Kinto, and all I have to say is OUTSTANDING! By far the best part of the game, IMO. I just wish they had four player co-op instead of just two, and scaled the missions according to number of people like Borderlands. BTW, Big Brother mission is the best!
I've played a few hours on multi-player, and I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it can be frustrating getting pwned as a noob. You don't know the maps, the strategies, the good camp sites, the right weapon mix, etc. The learning curve is pretty steep. That said, I've been successful enough to not be in last place despite being the lowest level by more than 30 in every game I've played lately. I have found a weapon mix that works for me, setup my key bindings, etc, and when I get on a map I've played before, I tend to finish pretty well. Usually it's the 70's, 60's, me, then everyone else. But of course, that varies game to game. It's enjoyable enough that I want to play, and I really like the RPG-like quality of setting up your character specializations. I have a feeling I could end up spending a lot of time in that.
What I don't like, is the one hit kill of the knife. I would have much preferred a butt-stock hit that disorients your opponent so you could try to step back and shoot them, and also gives them (albeit small) a chance to counter. That would be more realistic, coming from an actual Marine. Your not going to run by someone, stick your knife out and they crumple to the ground. Just a pet peeve of mine. Also, you can't defense against "that guy" who ineveitably is lvl 70, perks setup for speed, and runs around knifing everyone.
Also, I hate the map. Yes, I said it, I hate the map. Do you really think you and your enemies are going to run around with red and green beacons attached to them? Or that you'll always have a topographical map as you run around to know all the building layouts and such? C'mon, man!
Lastly, why do I have to play certain game types to "unlock" other game types? Maybe I would like to play CTF, and have no interest in Deathmatch, but "NO", says the developer, "You must get good at deathmatch first!" That's just a stupid example (I like deathmatch), but somethings don't need to be "unlockable". They should just work for $60.
All in all, I'm enjoying it. I have not interest in going back and playing the Single Campaign again. So that must say something. BUt I'll definitely be plugging in more hours into SpecOps, and some multi-player. But if more than one of you are available to game online, I say Borderlands co-op!
I completely agree with everyone's opinion on the story being way too short. I know I spent more time playing Uncharted 2. The plot twist in my opinion were horrible. I still don't like the constant change in characters through out the story. I definitely hate the AI in the game. Nothing feels worse than getting knifed from behind while the NPC stands there and let's it happen.
ReplyDeleteI'm all game for Borderlands. I think as a whole Borderlands sticks out better than MW2. Right now nothing beats the coop play of Borderlands and with all the new DLC coming out this week it just keeps the game rolling.