Nine months ago, I joined the modern world and setup a Facebook account. In many ways, I think Facebook is pretty great. I've gotten in touch with so many friends that I probably would have lost all touch with, and my life is better for it. One of those friends quickly sent me an invite to 'play' Mafia Wars. Game? about Mafia? Sounds intriguing enough...
I log on, and am presented with a Menu screen. Pick class of protagonist, pick attributes to spends skill points, wait, is this an RPG? I start to get excited! What they basically did was take the game play decision points in an RPG, strip out all the CG and exploration, and let a person 'click' their way to prosperity. Grinding isn't running around looking for things to beat up, it is now a simple click. After messing around with the menus and exploring my options, I was hooked! This was great!
I began to get interested in these other 'games' I was getting invites to. I opened up 'Farmville' and found an actual Java or Flash based game! I began to build a farm and...level up! How great!
Then, the fun started to wane. Quickly. Sure leveling up is fun, but if all you have to do is open up the 'game' and click to build experience, you lack the feeling of accomplishment you get from actual RPG's. Say what you will about grinding, but at least you feel like you are rewarded for actual game play.
For the casual gamer, I'm sure this is superior fun because, let's face it, leveling up is fun. But for me, the games became more of a nuisance than fun.
My disclaimer is that I have blocked all the games...except Mafia Wars. When I log onto Facebook, I always go spend my job points and progress it. I guess I hate feeling like things aren't complete. The fun has long waned, yet I still 'click' the buttons.
So how is it that Zynga is making so much freaking money! People are actually spending real money on these types of games? For WHAT! Someone please explain the phenomenon.
I refuse 100% of those game requests. Advertisers just want to know more about you and use that as a back door into your account. The second you you use accept the terms to use those programs, they have access to everything in your account. Last thing I want is an advertiser or potential employer seeing my Facebook account details. At least that is how I feel.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny you wrote about this, GT's bonus round was tqalking about the future of micro-transactions for games.
ReplyDeleteI think the psychology behind the micro-transactions on facebook games is due to the feeling of feelings superior without having to do much. Most of those Mafia War type games are social games even though there's no real co-op. Players become stronger or can do more by having other members in their Mafia. Maybe you want to look cool to your friends on facebook so you buy an online item.
The question we should really be asking ourselves is when did our online social status become as important or more important than our actual social status. I have been hearing about people buying MMO items off of online web-auctions since I was in high school. I'm sure you can go look on Ebay for rare items found within WOW selling for a decent price.
I'm with brk0827, I refuse any app on facebook that allows people to take a look at my personal profile. That stuff is for my friends, family, and I only.
Have you played that FPS on facebook?