First, I'm a Fallout 3 fan. I poured nearly one hundred hours into the first play-through (I like to be stealthy and do EVERYTHING). I also went back and played another 20 hours as a Renegade just to try it out. So I can't believe I was authentically surprised when I saw the trailer for a new Fallout game by Bethesda!
I confirmed that this game is, in fact, a new game and not a DLC for Fallout 3. The release was announced by Bethesda to be this Fall (2010). It is not Fallout 4, so I wouldn't expect the game engine to be updated or changed. There seems to be a lot of buzz, however, that a whole new writing staff is creating the dialogue, and it is expected to be wittier, fresher, and everything that could be improved in dialogue is expected to be there. Not that it's bad at all in Fallout 3, but I guess they decided to up the ante (or put a spotlight at what changes are going to be there).
Since it's not a "Fallout 4", I can't expect all of my disappointments to be addressed. When I originally got it and played it, I didn't notice many of the flaws that I now notice when I go back and play an hour or so. For example, the character animations are pretty bad. They feel wooden and not like they are really reacting to the environment or dialogue as you might expect. Also, after playing a game using the Unreal engine, I don't recommend jumping right into this game. The visuals are still really good (for 2008 rendering), but my god, no sprint button? No jumping higher than one foot off the ground? (Have you gotten to a fence line and tried to jump it? FRUSTRATING!) So the game has flaws.
But all games do. Fallout 3 really did more right than almost any other game ever has. The flaws stand out because this game is so polished (unless you suffered through the PS3 port like I did...horrible port that is buggy as hell...PC FTW!) So given that there are so few flaws, can they address them in Fallout: New Vegas, or will we have to wait for Fallout 4? I for one am Hopeful.
Image and Video copied from Bethesda's website ( and Youtube (as advertised in video)
I thought this was going to be DLC. Good to known. If I ever get past the mountain of games building up in my library, I would love to play fallout 3. But if this game gets a really good review I might skip 3 for now and jump in on Vegas. Actually, it all really depends on the cost of the games.