Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fan Made Megaman Deathmatch FPS

Cutstuff has released a trailer for for their upcoming Megaman 8-bit Deathmatch. It's a mod for Skulltag, which brings the classic Doom engine to the online world.


  1. That looks...AWESOME! My only complaint is that the shooting doesn't align with the gun. Like it didn't feel like you could really sense that where the person was shooting was in fact where they were aiming.

    Maybe Doom was like that and nostalgia has helped me forget that aspect?

    But damn, that ran a lot faster than Doom did! LOL!

  2. Sweet Jesus that's awesome!!! When I was a kid my top 5 series on the NES were:

    1.)Legend of Zelda
    2.)Super Mario Bros.
    3.)Mega Man
    4.)Ninja Gaiden
    5.)Double Dragon

    I want to play this game purely for the nestalgia. One day let's all play this.
