Saturday, January 15, 2011

Demos demo demos.

Just played Little Big Planet 2, Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 2 demos on the PS3. Just though I'd post my thoughts real quick.

LBP 2 came across as a game with a lot of potential. Sadly the demo didn't let you create any thing. Though it did have 3 levels of different types of game play. I can definitely see the appeal of making your own levels, game types and arguably a full on gaming experience within the confines of the Little Big Planet Universe.

The problem is (for me anyways) that the LBP Universe just comes across way too childish. I can see the level of customization and user input that could allow for a more control on the tone and look of the game itself. But for example the 2nd level where you jump on a cat, dog and rabbit teddy bear which you can control and each teddy has different powers / abilities. Yet despite what the game play was offering I just couldn't ignore how "kiddie" the whole game felt. Maybe I'm just taking it a bit too seriously, but I couldn't help but feel the game was a little too "cute".

Dead Space 2 demo was pretty good. It offered a decent amount of shooting and puzzle solving gaming. The 3rd person horror shooter in space is a nice return to those type of games that just scare the shit out of you. I was lol'ing at myself at times at just how much the game made me jump. Not to mention the goosebumps on my arms! And this was during the day in a very well lit room. Who know's how'd I'd react to this game in the dark!

I only peeve really is that your character takes up a good chunk of the screen, but this just all adds to the fear factor for the player. I found myself constantly checking my corners through out the demo and looking down my barrel and walking very very slowly! If I can get around to completing the first one then I think this is definitely going to be a purchase for me.

Finally Mass Effect 2. I'm still playing through the first one, but I've read, seen and heard enough stuff about the Mass Effect games to know it's worth my time just for the story. The game play in the original is a little tedious but not enough to be a deal breaker. Anyways I've played a bit of ME 2 already at my friends house. I just wanted to check out the PS3 Demo of ME2 simply to check out the ME3 engine and I gotta be honest. I didn't feel it was all that great. I mean I can see slight changes in quality and sharpness. Lighting and shadows came across a lot stronger and detail in characters faces looked more defined. It's enough for me to say yea, play Mass Effect 2 on the PS3, not the 360. But I don't think that will be enough for players who have already played 1 and 2 on the 360, to make the jump to play Mass Effect 3 on the PS3 later this year when they've already played the first 2 on the 360. Not to mention loosing your character profile data.

Anyways if you got the PS3 definitely try out these demos and let me know what ya think.


  1. I tried out LBP2 and ME2 the other day, too. I'm getting around to Dead Space 2 later.

    I really enjoyed the first LBP but the level designing in the game took longer than I wanted to figure out. Hopefully, with the move you can create levels a lot easier. To be honest LBP needs to get rid of two things. Sack boy control mechanics and the three foregrounds. Yeah even compared to Mario it's a bit kiddish but that's never stopped me from enjoying games. I adore LBP for having such an original design palette.

  2. I played the LBP2 demo, and similarly was left with the impression that unless the Mrs. wants to get it for Couch Co-op play, then it will likely be a pass for me. Like the first one, it's cool, light hearted, etc. But if wanted that type of gaming, I would probalby be on the Wii a lot more. Nintendo excels at that, but LBP stuff is a nice alternative. Just not so much for me to drop $60 on.

    I'm playing ME2 right now on my PC. I didn't think my GTS 250 would run it at 1920 with graphics maxed out, but it does at an avg of 55 fps. It looks fantastic, and I watched all the comparison reviews on GT before I purchased. I was really pissed off because when I sat down to play, it wouldn't import my save from ME 1. It might be because I bought ME1 with Steam, and ME2 from Amazon, and I should have found the file and moved it somewhere, but it just wasn't worth it for me. I just built a new character with the same Infiltrator/background settings from the first one, and I don't really feel like I missed anything. The story has woven in things from ME1 and it just happened that my game played the way they default weave it in, so that's been a cool coincidence. I'll write up more as I get deeper. I'm not very far at all in the game yet.

    Dead Space looks great, but for the same reason I don't watch horror movies, I don't play the games. I've seen enough real stuff to last a lifetime, so I choose to stay away from the optional stuff. Just a personal choice.
